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Modern Slavery Statement

The Modern Slavery Act 2015 introduced a new obligation for large commercial organisations that carry out business in the UK to produce and publish for each financial year a ‘Slavery and Human Trafficking Statementi’.

Even though we are not obligated by law to produce the requested statement, we are already taking action to promote ethical business practices and policies that protect workers from being abused and exploited, and we are committed to improving our practices to combat slavery and human trafficking. We have therefore chosen to voluntarily produce a ‘Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement’, which has been signed by our Mangement team.

Modern slavery is an umbrella term that refers to situations of exploitation that a person is not able to refuse or leave because of threats, violence, deception and / or abuse of power. The term modern slavery covers the use of slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour and the use of human trafficking. This also covers exploitation which includes: Sexual exploitation, Removal of organs, Securing services by force, threats or deception, Securing services from children and vulnerable persons.

More information about the Modern Slavery Act can be found on the National Archives Website (Modern Slavery Act 2015 (legislation.gov.uk)
TM(IBM)-011 Anti-Slavery Statement 3
Tel: 01274 751 400
Email: Info@topmedics.co.uk


What Actions Are We Taking?
At Top Medics (UK) Ltd, we are serious about our brand because it is part of our identity and as a result are committed to corporate social responsibility (CSR). We believe transparency is the best way we can assure our customers and employees that we are doing our best as an ethical corporate organisation. Hence, we publish our Anti-Slavery statement annually.

Furthermore, to effectively communicate our expectations on modern slavery, we have implemented policies and procedures that are designed to support our high standards in ethical and responsible supply chain practices. They cover how we source our products, employ people appropriately and how we operate and interact with modern slavery legislation in our business and with suppliers We take the subject of modern slavery extremely seriously, and as a result have a zero-tolerance approach to slavery in all forms from both ourselves and our supply chain. We are committed to training our staff in relevant areas of the business, optimising our current procedures and policies and ensuring every organisation we work with signs up to our Business Code of Conduct.

Our statement describes all these areas and how we plan to contribute in the fight against modern slavery.

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